星期一, 十月 23, 2006

Dulce Pontes - Povo Que Lavas No Rio

Portuguese Fado
Joe Dassin - Et si tu n'existais pas

Et si tu n'existais pas,
Dis-moi comment j'existerais.
Je pourrais faire semblant d'être moi,
Mais je ne serais pas vrai.

星期一, 十月 09, 2006

北大--Peking Uni

" Nesun maggior dolore
che ricordarsi del tempo felice
nella miseria. "

Original here

星期四, 十月 05, 2006

老子 「道德经」

老 子: 「道 德 经」 : 第 八 十 一 章

信 言 不 美 , 美 言 不 信 。 
善 者 不 辩 , 辩 者 不 善 。
知 者 不 博 , 博 者 不 知 。
圣 人 不 积 , 既 以 为 人 己 愈 有 ,
既 以 与 人 己 愈 多 。 

天 之 道 , 利 而 不 害 ?
圣 人 之 道 , 为 而 不 争 。

Daode Jing (Laozi)--Chapter 81
Sincere words are not fine; fine words are not sincere. Those who are skilled (in the Tao) do not dispute (about it); the disputatious are not skilled in it. Those who know (the Tao) are not extensively learned; the extensively learned do not know it.
The sage does not accumulate (for himself). The more that he expends for others, the more does he possess of his own; the more that he gives to others, the more does he have himself.
With all the sharpness of the Way of Heaven, it injures not; with all the doing in the way of the sage he does not strive.

我的天! 哈哈!

Original here

星期一, 十月 02, 2006

红与黑 (Red and Black) or playing with two colours

Same tea variety: red (红茶) in China and black (黑茶) in the Western world

Same thing, different perceptions, different Weltanschauung


-->Ideology: communism


HIPOCRISY (that can be detected in both systems)
Hipocrisy: Cf. character of Soriel in Stendhal's Le Rouge et le Noir /红与黑)
Soriel : The ends justify the means (a place where East and West often meet)